LMC 8.4 & Gcam for android with config file complete process

LMC 8.4 & Gcam for android with config file complete process

LMC 8.4 & Gcam for android with config file complete process

đź’•Friends, the camera application that I am going to give you can shoot very good and good quality pictures. If you use the same cameras that I am going to give you, the quality of your photos can be much better. I will tell you its installation and also how you have to set it and everything I am going to tell you people. Still,  if you have any kind of problem, then please comment in the comment box. Go ahead and use this application once, and let me know what results you get.

👉About LMC 8.4 Camera app :

Friends, LMC 8.4 is a camera application in which you have to add your own configuration file, and after that, whenever you shoot a picture with it, the picture will look in high quality with automatic color grading. It gets night mode up in it, and you get to see a lot of features in it, like making portrait videos, camera pictures, HDR pictures, and the rest, you get many night mode effects in it. By using which you can shoot a good quality picture with the same camera and you will not need to buy an expensive phone because if you set it like this, bro, you are very good at it. 

You can click good pictures once you must use it, and this LMC 8.4 is the best camera for those friends who want to take pictures from their mobile and they do it.

đź’˘Benefit on LMC 8.4

But talking about the benefits of this camera, it is going to give you a lot of benefits because with it you can record video if you want, you can click portrait picture, and then you can upload your desired configuration in it. With the help of which you can take a picture of up night mode, you can take a lighting picture, and after that, if I tell you, you can also make up high-quality four- and six-key and add key pictures, the result of which is very good. 

It is good and the picture is clearly visible because the picture is very clear and the quality is very high, which is the most benefit for you people. Then your picture starts giving amazing results.

👉About Gcam Camera app :

Friends, The Gcam application is Google's camera application, so some Android phones do not support it, but those Android phones do support it, and it provides good results. It is Google's camera, and it has You can extract high-quality picture videos and portrait pictures as well. It also has SIM in such a way that new configuration files can be added to its new features, and if you use the same configuration file, it will. The result looks very good.

 I mean, the Gcam camera application is similar to the Sam LMC camera, but it has a lot of changes in the settings. They are very good, and this is Google's own camera; if you want, you can use it for your photos, you can use it for videos, and you can also use it to click high-quality pictures.

đź’˘Benefit on Gcam

If we talk about the advantage of the Gcam camera, then it has a lot of advantages for those friends who take photographs with their mobile camera because if you use your mobile camera, it will not provide you with such a result. Karta who provides a Gcam camera up, I mean if you have a phone whose picture result is not good, its picture is not clear, and it does not shoot, then these friends should that they should install the Gcam Camera in their phone, and after that, whatever picture they will take with it, the result of that picture will be very wonderful, and also let me tell you that the portrait If you take pictures of the mood, they are of high quality. It has many other benefits. I have already told you some of these benefits.

If you want to install these two cameras, then for that I have given you the  below, brother. Click on this , and after clicking, select whichever Android phone you have. After selecting, it will start installing on your mobile. By clicking on the below , it will start automatically on your mobile as soon as it is installed. After it is added in the file manager, you can install it by clicking on it, and after installing it, you can use it again, if you have any problems, in the comment box. Comment is mandatory. I hope you guys will like this video. Visit our blog to see this kind of post.

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